
By stew - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, it took me more than four hours to set up the back yard for my daughter's baby shower. It only took my husband one push of a button to turn on the sprinklers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 518
You deserved it 3 978

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ooo Could he not have forseen that water and decorations don't mix?!?!?


wow your hubby is an idiot. didnt he know where his wife was for the past 4 hours... or maybe he was to busy having sex with another woman..... and he should seriously have seen the decorations too. i dont know wether its FYL or YDI cuz your life is ****** cuz u spent time setting it up and it got ruined, but it is your fault you married an ass hole...

UsingLogic 0

Hey, Smartass-know-it-all, maybe her husband was at work for the last 4 hours. Do you know what work is or do you just write crap on the Internet from your retired mom's basement because you need to lower people who achieve something in order to forget how pathetic you are? Or maybe he was at the store. Maybe you don't know what that is because your mom goes there for you. Anyway, how the **** do you know what he was doing? Maybe the button for the sprinklers is located inside the house (some have it inside the garage) and he turns it on every day at the same time when he gets home from work. If you're gonna make assumptions, you should give him the benefit of the doubt. It's funny how easy it is for you to label someone an asshole. Thank god you are nothing outside of this website. Life would be terrible if people with any power were as strict as you are. I'm sure this guy is worth much more than you, morally speaking. Politeness, Courtesy and Sociability Nazi FTW!

How could your husband not know you were setting up a baby shower?

in response to #21, GO **** YOUR SELF BITCH!

soundmind311 0
Kylias 6

... taking four hours to set up the back yard, then having it all be ruined in a few seconds isn't an FML?

Bow Chicka Wow Wow. You know why he turned on the sprinklers. Wet T-shirts anyone?

deliapearl 0

Tell him he is lucky he is a good f'ck or u woulda left him years ago

waterynuggets 0

Are you married to Screech from SBTB?

SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

hahh, I saw the word shower, and then sprinklers, and I was like "Uhh, did she give her kid an actual shower in the sprinklers? o_O" yeah, I'm a little slow :p how was your husband oblivious to the fact that you were setting up a baby shower? men are so dumb. :3

Chocolate_Chunk 2