Simple answer

By pathetic - 29/05/2009 02:35 - Canada

Today, while getting ready for work, I realized that all my pants were getting a bit tight. When I got home from work, I went in to the bathroom and stood on the scale, which confirmed that I have gained a few pounds. I then realized that I was eating while standing on the scale. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 074
You deserved it 59 343

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How did you not notice you were eating something? Seriously. There is something wrong with this.

How is that a bad thing? I'm sure you weren't eating a whole pizza on the scale.


l30n 0

She didn't REALISE SHE WAS EATING, she realised she was ON THE SCALE, EATING, which if you imagine a picture of, is pretty much ridiculous. How many of you never realised the key to your cars were in your own hands while you were searching for them?

This is what I was thinking, but you beat me to it. Idiots these days...

#28 and so on.. having a scale doesn't necessarily mean that it is in your bathroom. and yes, kudos to #33

jennyess 0

this fml is sort of REALLY, your last line is..then i realized i was eating something? how is that supposed to be funny this one just sucks

mardog88 0

Fat pig show some self control

#14, no it isn't. And your trying to convince yourself otherwise is one of the reasons for this. your in denial. There's always this thing called exercise.

star_ver 0

Lame FML is lame. Put the food down, get to the gym. Simple.

fmljunkiefml 3

You're my new favorite person. I feel better about myself. Thank you. :)

wow. some people on here are just awful. i think you had every right to put this on here. but do you not notice that you're eating something? :/