Simple plan

By Crish - 22/11/2020 05:05 - Italy

Today, I was patiently explaining to my boyfriend what I liked in bed, after several weeks of unsatisfactory sex. He snapped at me and said, "80% of women fake their orgasms. Why can't you?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 736
You deserved it 168

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait? He can't even give it to you good enough for you to fake an ******? You deserve so much better! Like mediocre, maybe.

And yet so many comments on this site say to communicate to your partner if you're unsatisfied in bed. And I believe most people would prefer if their partner communicate. Sounds like this guy is only concerned with himself.


That's when you say you and he are done.

Just get rid of him. You do not need this SOB to cum.

You mean ex boyfriend right? Because yeah..throw away that whole man