Small mistake

By lorahayes - 05/01/2012 18:39 - United Kingdom

Today, I was on the train listening to my iPod on shuffle. The "Oompa Loompa" song came on, and slightly amused, I started humming it. It wasn't until I noticed that the man next to me was a midget that I understood the horrified looks I was getting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 943
You deserved it 10 305

Same thing different taste

Top comments

:D that's so unfortunate...I hope he didn't kick you in the taco.

At least you enjoyed it for a short while.


Why dew yew even hve tht song on your iPod??

ducttapewallet 7

*Sigh*. You've managed to spell do wrong. We have the correct number of letters in "you" but your incorrect spelling persists.

desireev 17

Why spell out more letters than you have to? "Dew"?.. Just say "do".. And "yew".. Just use the same amount of letters and spell out "you".. You're making things more difficult on yourself..

Well he shouldn't be mad unless his skin was orange and he had poofy green hair

Tell him your an elf. Should make him feel better...

Too bad for him! That's a fun song! What if it was about tall people ?Should a tall person get mad! if I wanted to, I could find a reason to hate every song.

Wait you said this song was on your ipod

Sounds like a long ride on the short line

squarecircles 13

Maybe you should've invited him to sing along.

Bahahahaha you have the "Oompa Loompa song on your iPod??