
By Mr. Headshot - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff

Today, I celebrated my birthday with a few friends at home. As I bent down over my cake, my friend pushed my face into it. The baker should've told me she put a stick in it to support the cake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 185
You deserved it 3 642

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Olovio 5

Steal all of your friends socks. Have you ever walked around with no socks on? It's awful, just awful.


looks like someone is a bad friend. you shouldn't hang around her/him. they sound like a jerk.

That sounds super dangerous! Like the stuff you see on 1000 ways to die. If your head was pushed down with enough force and the stick went through the eye socket, it could've pierced the brain and killed you.

Yeah and IF that would've happened can you imagine being the friend?

loski87 4

why would the baker tell you that the put a stick in the cake? your dumbass friend shouldn't have pushed your face into the cake in the first place.

It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye. Then it's hilarious.

I've never seen the humour in pushing someone's face into a cake. Of course, I'm old fashioned. I think a joke should be funny rather than humiliating.

I've never seen the humour in pushing someone's face into a cake. Of course, I'm old fashioned. I think a joke should be funny rather than humiliating.