
By -- - 04/09/2011 16:42 - Canada

Today, at my dental practice, we received a shipment of the stupid flavoured gloves my boss ordered to make the place more "friendly to the kids". I started working in an adult patient's mouth, when he decided to start creepily making out with my fingers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 637
You deserved it 3 062

Same thing different taste

Top comments


doitlikebernie 1

Flavored gloves? That's just asking for awkwardness...

XxDancerGirlxX 17

Awkward situation for you OP.

KasaraEm13 12

Stupid flavored? What does stupid taste like? On the other hand though, you know, I actually know people who like the taste of the non-flavored gloves though. I have weird friends, I think...

KasaraEm13 12

Minus a "though" there. That is what I get trying to talk to someone and typing up a comment at the same time. :

jessiejess020 0

After he made out with your fingers did he ask for you to also taste them if not then I see no prob :P

Aww yeah, getting some even the job... fingerjob?

You know what they say no glove no love ;D And every love life needs a little flavor to spice things up

Aww yeah, getting some even on the job... fingerjob?