
By Anonymous - 26/03/2013 00:28 - United Kingdom - London

Today, whilst texting my boyfriend on the train, I noticed the woman sitting next to me staring intently at my phone. After letting my boyfriend know, he sent a message saying, "Are we gonna involve the dog again? Last night was fun." She gasped and screamed that I'm a "twisted dog-humping bitch." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 595
You deserved it 7 319

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should've gone along with it to freak her out even more for laughs. Like wink at her or something.

People don't know when to mind their own business anymore.


Agordoni83 6

I think it's funny. That's what the lady gets for being nosey. She needs to mind her own business. But at the same time you should have moved your phone so she couldn't see

ckrider64 8

your boyfriends awesome. marry that man

59--thats the joke. its a mean girls quote

By any chance is your name Alyssa Rosales?

i had people lean in on my phone conversations and honestly if your going to look at my phone be discreet about it. not lean over and comment on what you just read. smh

Obey_StudBoii 23

Haha your bf sounds like an awesome man. He's a keeper.

still_guns 16

To be honest, she shouldn't be peering anyways.

27, that line is so hilarious! And I think that nosey woman on the bus learned a lesson about minding her own business. OP, you and your boyfriend seem like an awesome couple; you're able to take an awkward situation and make a joke out of it between you two. I love doing that with my boyfriend.

Well played. Nosey bitch deserved it.

That's awesome you should have played along to freak her out. She has no business reading your texts. Or try to find another seat away from her snooping ass.