
By Bullocks - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Rochester

Today, while I was at work in a machine shop, I cut myself really bad. Not with any of the sharp tools, drills, or metals I work with. Just the soap dispenser. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 566
You deserved it 4 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's just that deep clean feature, it really gets in your skin.

Well, if it makes you feel better, thank you for actually washing your hands in the bathroom!


flashback.miss 28

Geez... can't get soap without hurting yourself...

KiddNYC1O 20

OP, what you've described is the perfect case for a rare but uniquely effective therapeutic protocol known as "Nail Gun vs Soap Dispenser". Happy healing!

What the hell? Do none of you people believe in gratuitous violence and unnecessary destruction of inanimate objects? I'm so disappointed in you, FML community! So disappointed...

katcot99 11

How do you hurt yourself with that?

Why is she getting thumbed down? It seems like a valid question to me.

Michael_92 20

See once you piss off the FML people they thumb comments down just cause there cool like that.

Did you really give yourself a bad cut, one that would need immediate medical attention? Or are you one of those people who creates a scene on getting a paper cut? The only way I can see this happening is if you slipped on water on the floor, tried grabbing on to the wall, failed and hit your head on the edge of the dispenser giving yourself a bad cut on the forehead.

I would bet that a guy who works in a machine shop knows a cut when he sees it.

babiigirl1993 6

damn that sucks. sorry about your luck.

What's he going to sue? The soap dispenser for being too sharp? If you don't have anything good to say, keep it to yourself.

^^ It could be, but it could also be because OP hit the dispenser on a corner and it cut them. Many a time I have cut myself on things that were otherwise safe to use, like doors, cabinets, etc. and I'm sure those weren't in violation of any safety laws in place. I've even cut myself while using a sink. I guess I'm just skilled like that. :)

Maybe it's time for you to divert those skills onto other people, not that I support injuring or killing people, but if they deserve it, why not, right? Hell, if you get enough coverage I'm sure Marvel will approach you for the next Punisher movie, or even DareDevil.

And I congratulate you on using the correct form of "you're".

Michael_92 20

Calm down people it was a joke. I laughed at it, actually I was going to comment the same thing.

A soap dispenser? How, oh how, did you do that, OP? Is your skin made of paper?

How are you going to explain that to your doctor?