
By Bullocks - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Rochester

Today, while I was at work in a machine shop, I cut myself really bad. Not with any of the sharp tools, drills, or metals I work with. Just the soap dispenser. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 566
You deserved it 4 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's just that deep clean feature, it really gets in your skin.

Well, if it makes you feel better, thank you for actually washing your hands in the bathroom!


Has workers comp told you hand washing accidents are not covered? Because with all the cuts, that sounds about right.

Lol sorry OP. At least it's not a paper cut. Those blow worse than anything.

thatoneguy79 10

A cut. Oh, wait, a really bad cut. Unless you work in a air- and bloodboune pathogens testing laboratory as a side job, your life is not very f'ed in my opinion. Now, if this happens to you on a regular basis, ie weekly, that could be a different story. Is your arm still attached? Yes? Good. Carry on and keep an eye out for that soap dispenser next time.

No I can relate those damn things are evil

perdix 29

"No soap for you!" Except if it's the bar type that has several hairs of unknown origin ;)

diidiimi 10

You know what they say about foolproof systems underestimating the ingenuity of fools.

bobbed_shadow 5

It can happen to anyone. But judging by your picture, you look like you wouldn't know a thing about work. So thats why you would ask a question like that

kay_princess14 7
brittanyleanna 0

I broke my foot standing up at dance... So don't feel to bad.

Abbykat 0

Man that sucks some serious balls! Lol Great job!!