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So romantic

By Anonymous - 12/07/2013 16:53 - United States

Today, my girlfriend decided to let me know that she almost left me for another guy not so long ago, because he was more handsome and talented than me. The reason she didn't leave, "He's out of my league; you're not." FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 206
You deserved it 4 394

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what she really means is that he turn her down.


olpally 32

What a low class bitch move that was... Wow. Unreal. I hope you broke up with her. That's really shitty.

funky2525 14

Show her how handsome and talented you can be OP :)

punkyboy 11

dump her and say she's not even in your league

You better make her out of your league ASAP. Nobody deserves that shit.

iemislayer 10

Except those that do the shit she did

football98_fml 20

well, at least your still together. not sure if id want to stay with a girl like that tho

Video the bitch naked and leak it online...

EmsyyyRose13 24

No matter how rude someone is, they don't deserve their sensitive photos/videos posted online. That can have so many negative repercussions. Especially if either of them are underage.

That's when you tell her she's out of your league.. And break up w her!

Whoa, that's ****** up on so many levels... Ex that bitch... No one deserve that!

graceinsheepwear 33

He's out of her league means he rejected her. I don't know what she's all stuck up about. I could say the same about Brad Pitt. Doesn't mean he's interested in me.