Sorry Noah

By pummy - 30/09/2009 00:48 - United States

Today, I got an iPhone, I was excited and because I have a new number, I wanted to mess with my girlfriend a little. I started sending her provocative messages, and after 4 or 5 of them, I discovered I had entered her number wrong and was talking dirty to a man named Noah. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 248
You deserved it 33 994

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i totally thought this was going in a different direction!

amerrah 4

Hmm I wonder if Noah invited him to ride his ark.


So? Just resend them to your gf. Thts not a fml. Fagg

Lol I find this funny cuz my ex bf (who I'm still bffs with) is a HUGE perv (in a funny way) and his names Noah

I thought it said " my little girl"... I was thinking CREEPY MUCH? But no, and btw, that's hilarious. You still deserved it though :P :)

Omg! I did the exact same thing when I got my iPhone!! Lmao

Why would you want to mess with your gf

i Phones make me cry. Get a Windows Phone.

That was funny. :] Hopefully the conversations didn't go on for too long!

mylittledoktor 9

That dude has an ifunny account. I know cause he posted that conversation on ifunny

Someone1111 22