Sorry Noah

By pummy - 30/09/2009 00:48 - United States

Today, I got an iPhone, I was excited and because I have a new number, I wanted to mess with my girlfriend a little. I started sending her provocative messages, and after 4 or 5 of them, I discovered I had entered her number wrong and was talking dirty to a man named Noah. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 247
You deserved it 33 977

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i totally thought this was going in a different direction!

amerrah 4

Hmm I wonder if Noah invited him to ride his ark.


SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

This is already a day old and only ten comments?Damn. That's weird. Unless MY iPhone is lying to me. Anyways; OP-- Well. It was kind of fucktarded to do that in the first place. And iPhones ftw.

I'm an iFan as well, I have the iPhone 4 and it rules!

flouder92 0

... how did you find out his name is Noah?

AttilaLopez 0

So you're the one that texted me those messages today! ;)

NoahIzHere 0

You should be more careful next time. You never "Noah" what's going to happen! Get it? Know? Stuff it.

thats when you just play it off cool, call yourself an idiot and ask for forgiveness, if he talks back like he was into it, thats when you freak, otherwise enter your girls number right this time and then continue.

holy shit at first I thought it said I wanted to mess with my little girl

your life isnt ****** just end the conversation