Speak to me

By Lonely - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I felt so lonely that I left the TV on for company. Then the power went out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 120
You deserved it 5 894


just go scare people.. thats what i did when the power went out in my neighborhood

austinkiser 3

like the old people in the retirement houses till a cop shows up

dudeitsdanny 9

I've had those days, most of us have. Try music.. On something battery powered. Or sleep through the blackout. A better solution would be to go out, but that feeling doesn't usually attract company.

I like how you assume it was because she didn't pay her bills... several things can cause power outages including... storms, people hitting poles, animals biting lines...

I hate when the power goes out. Instead of being lonely at home, go out and meet new people!(:

jayyluhv 0

my dad always tell me that... I hate that line

Go out and meet new people. You should also get a pet.

it's not that he doesn't, he can't, he has no power...

The suspense is killing me. What happened after the power went out?!? OMG