
By Scaredwitless - 28/01/2011 04:35 - United States

Today, my roommate decided to prank me by leaving a fake suicide note on the bathroom door and lying motionless in a bathtub full of water and red coloring. When I went, horrified, to take a closer look, he lunged at me and screamed. I was so scared I pissed myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 917
You deserved it 6 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Omg, psycho roommate! So, that's where they got the idea for The Roommate:P

To catch a sneaky glimpse at his Willy


Inspired22 11

Not funny. At all. I'm sorry he did that to you. See if he actually finds someone dead someday and still thinks it's funny.

ReginalUT 0

Fing epic i hope he got it on video and posts it on the web lol.

You're roommate is a complete asshole. Suicide is not a funny joke. I would have punched him in the face. Seriously, what a jackass. And how do so many people on here think this is hilarious? I honestly find this a really offensive joke. I'd say grounds for a new roommate immediately.

Not funny at all. Really strange and kinda twisted.

wifey93emilyrose 0

if my roommate did that to me I would scream and the pinch him in the face til he apologized.

While reading this, I thought it was hilarious. But I would never forgive someone if they did this to me. To go from horrified upon finding his roommate's body, then having a heart attack when he lunged at him. That must have been awful.

Oh boy! Zombie rise again. Take a toothbrush and stabbed him while you're at it.