
By Scaredwitless - 28/01/2011 04:35 - United States

Today, my roommate decided to prank me by leaving a fake suicide note on the bathroom door and lying motionless in a bathtub full of water and red coloring. When I went, horrified, to take a closer look, he lunged at me and screamed. I was so scared I pissed myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 917
You deserved it 6 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Omg, psycho roommate! So, that's where they got the idea for The Roommate:P

To catch a sneaky glimpse at his Willy


dealerdon 0

talk about dark comedy that's pretty amazing though

15thPrestige 0

You also pissed on your dignity.

You're so heroic, to pick on a 13 year old.

but you have to admit... the kid is a dousche

its not his fault he looks like a gay celebrity. he's 13 give him a break

50 - Only douches can't spell the word "douche".

Sangoku_fml 0

Funny roomate... Good way to start a new Day !!!! You don't deserve a FML for that. I'm OUT

Averheck 0

Hahaha. Idk know if your life sucks or if you deserved it but it's hilarious hahaha

cowboyy_fml 0

haha I do that to my roomate all of the time

starshine21 0

i'm sure i'll be dead if somebody will do that to mt. that's why i dont watch horror movies.

that's so not a funny joke. how can someone even joke about that?

sweetonsno 1

Ugh, I agree. Joking about suicide is in poor taste. The roommate is a total jerk.

It's pretty funny, he didn't drag it out so his roomie wouldn't have been emotionally distressed for a while. Now, pretending to be kidnapped and disappearing for a week, that's in poor taste.

dezinspaaace 0

i would of punched ur 'friend' in the face.

redrobin15 2

I'm not religious. But amen to that.

Wow, that's a pretty sick idea of a joke. FYL.