
By Anonymous - 23/09/2012 00:37 - United States - San Angelo

Today, after months of believing my house is haunted, and years of being scared of the dark, I finally had to admit to myself that the only way I can go to the bathroom in the middle of the night is if my cat follows me and sits outside the door. I'm 23. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 570
You deserved it 7 831

Same thing different taste

Top comments

We all have our way of dealing with things. Don't be ashamed!

kittytub 12

we'll sit with you, but once slenderman starts killing you, we're out of there. meow.


gellybeans 6
j3ebrules 13

Sounds like an anxiety disorder, and having one and being a cat lover I can understand that our furry beasts are comforting.

Oh don't worry about it!! I'm 19 and can ONLY sleep facing the room cuz I'm afraid if I sleep facing the wall somebody will sneak up behind me!!

This just made me cry, our 22 month old cat had to be put down after having saddle thrombosis, she used to do that :,(

here's what helps get me through the night without sprinting from room to room; if the things that go bump in the night want you, they won't bother waiting til you go to the bathroom. covering your head with the blanket work either.

It's not that big of a deal, a lot of people are afraid of the dark/haunted houses and won't admit it. There are TV shows about that kind of stuff. Even if it's not the dark they're afraid of, they have something. Whether it makes sense or not.

I lived in a haunted house for almost four years from 7 to almost 11, and even I wasn't afraid to go to the bathroom at night... And I saw all three ghosts living in the house and two demons nearby during that time. Seriously grow up.

poopanator 7

I live in a haunted house currently. Because I've lived there for so long, I'm not really afraid of it but I'm not afraid to admit that I am also afraid of the dark. And considering the fact that my bathroom is fairly far from my bedroom, I feel your pain! I have to walk down the stairs, through the hall, through the living room, through the dining room, then I finally get to the bathroom!

I hate the dark as much as you do, but I'm 14 so it's not as bad ;) and I can only be alone in my house if my dog is with me....