
By Username - 07/03/2010 17:41 - France

Today, the guy that I have been seeing for over a year left on a business trip. While straightening out his room as a favor, I noticed he took his condoms with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 948
You deserved it 3 538

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like he's planning on doin some side business too

right... straightening out his room as a favour... lmao


dangletsbang21 0

that's what you get for snoopen'

They have been together for a year. If she had access to his room she can snoop if she wants. I don't think it's really snooping though if they have been together that long because they've obviously been in there before and she could have looked around any other time.

right... straightening out his room as a favour... lmao

That sucks. Maybe you should work out more if your a bit overweight (if that is your problem) and try to not be a nagger (if thats your problem). And why are you going through his things ? Maybe you should not do that too.

amazinggbaby 2

She was doing him a favor by cleaning up.. and for all we know she could have no problem the could could just be a cheating asshole. that sucks for you OP:(

for a second I thought you said "don't be a ******".....

dont assume she has flaws she may not for all we know she could be jessus only a girl

Just because somebody has flaws, that doesn't give you (speaking generally) the right to cheat on them. If you don't love somebody any more, then at least have the decency and self-control to break up with them before you go to bed with somebody else.

I tottally agree. cheating aint right in any circumstances its just what goes around comes around and vice versa.

wow. dump that bitches ass on the curb. (:

hahahaha. I'm sorry OP, that's just funny

azn365 0

To the ppl who claimed he was safe from STD: A STD virus is smaller than a hole in the condom, so whether he uses it or not, it's still possible to get an STD.

That's actually not true. Read a condom box, they do protect you against STDs if they don't break or something like that. I'm guessing you go to a school that teaches abstinence only? I did too. The thing about the STDs going through the condom pores is a half truth. Yes, the actual virus is that small, but it doesn't swim through the semen fluid on its own: it's attached to the sperm. Obviously the sperm won't pass through the pores if the condom, because that's partially what they're made for.

SeasonedSausage 0

that's what you get for being nosey.

manslayerbob 0

I like this business trip :)

canchremechanic 0

And then he smacked a chick in the face with the one he just used with her!