Stay away!

By Anonymous - 19/01/2011 03:08 - Singapore

Today, my sister used my mobile phone to call her boyfriend, who is married with children. His wife found my number on his phone and thought that I'm my sister. Since then, she has been calling me non-stop, calling me a "prostitute" each time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 195
You deserved it 5 450

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If I was in your position, I would have ratted my sister out instantly. Homewrecking ****** are absolutely worthless. I don't care what the situation is, you don't fool around with somebody who is married. You should have gotten a hold of the husband previous to this, actually. In my opinion.


AT&T doesn't block numbers...don't know about anyone else.

AT&T doesn't block numbers...don't know about anyone else.

AT&T does and ye who knows what service they are using

What does that matter where she's from, my point is that it seems some companies don't block numbers.

sowhatursayingis 0

the real FML was that's the only person who talks to her

Bludmagnus 13

Your sister did that because.... A. She knows it is wrong.... B. She had been using your phone for a lot more than that and for a lot longer.... and most likely... C. She has been using your identity for more than that as well. That is why I agree you should text that woman back, and give her your sisters number as well.

**** it all and ******* no regrets, never happy endings on these dark sets. All is fair in Damage Inc. you see. Step a little closer if you please

FYLDeep 25

I don't understand the point of these Metallica references. At least find something relevant if you're going to quote something.

stevenJB 25

Damage inc is the most badass Metallica song ever!! THRASHMETAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No kidding. What's with women and freaking out at the girls their husbands are cheating with? it's just as much his fault.

Sometimes it's more the married (or not single) person's fault, because they lie about it.

I would say that it is more his fault, because he is the one the relationship.

Agreed Cinn. The one the "other person" doesn't always know that their partner is in another relationship. In this case though, I'd say it's both their faults since the sister obviously knew.

In denial? Much nicer to believe that "some ***** seduced your husband" than "my husband cheated on me with another woman".

why would you even help out your sister when she's doing that . thats dreadful

JocelynKaulitz 28

it's all good if you know that ur not what she says that you are. it's ur sister, hahaha

I_R_Genius 3

@ Above: capitalization and punctuation doesn't exist to you guys?

JocelynKaulitz 28

whatever whatever whatever! if I don't wanna spell like that then I shoudnt have to! and I'm not gonna do it just to please you low life losers.

They're low life losers because they know how to spell and you don't?

If I was in your position, I would have ratted my sister out instantly. Homewrecking ****** are absolutely worthless. I don't care what the situation is, you don't fool around with somebody who is married. You should have gotten a hold of the husband previous to this, actually. In my opinion.

And PS, people, save your remarks about me being a little harsh.

SirEBC 7

That was a little harsh. Rule: Do not tell people not do something you do not want them to do because they will not listen and will end up doing exactly what you told them not to do. Headache sentence, YES!

sourgirl101 28

So, are you telling me not to follow this rule? I'm confused.(:

I agree exept I think it's just as much the guys fault

Homewrecking ******? Why must we always blame the woman? He's 100% responsible for cheating on his wife. OP tell his wife to direct her ire where it belongs; on her philandering asshole of a husband.

Yes, I agree. It is 100% his fault because, let's face it... he would cheat regardlessof who it was with. If he hadn't found OP's sister, he'd have found someone else. And just because OP's sister seems to be aware of the situation, doesn't mean he wouldn't lie to someone less willing to accept it.

I'd say the boyfriend is just as much at fault as the "home wrecking *****"

FYLDeep 25

Call her back telling her that she's calling the wrong person, and give her your sister's number. That ought to rectify the situation.

eclecticstrings 0

you deserve it for letting her date a married man

twinny_sc 13

She cannot dictate who her sister can and cannot date. Granted it is her fault for letting her sister use her phone.

kayybby 1

Call her back and tell her that it's not your sisters phone for one, and tell your ***** of a sister to stay out of a married mans life. Common sense should tell her that, but maybe she needs a bitch slap back to reality.

BikeAllDay818 6

it's pretty annoying when people choose "you deserved it" when they don't even at all. annoying ass people..

Pocahontas22_fml 0

agreed!! I've thought this so many times! lol