Stinky pits

By shakinmahbuttbutt - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, it's been two weeks since my parents went crazy with their attempts to save on the water bill. Every time I want to take a shower, I have to ask them first. Let's just say I've had to resort to taking sponge baths in public bathrooms to keep my B.O. under control. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 867
You deserved it 4 567

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shakin your butt butt probably isn't going to help with your BO.

Omfgitsmia 15

Almost sounds like my mom these days. Maybe shower at a friends?


There's not much info in this one, but I went with YDI on it. Some years ago, my early-20's brother-in-law lived with us. He took 3 showers a day, draining the hot water tank each time. On weekends there were usually "friends" over, and they took showers too. All in, we puzzled out that 60-70% of our water bill was supporting him. You had to get up and shower before him, wait for hours, or shower army-style with cold water. That was a real pain during the work week. We asked him to pay the bill, he claimed he didn't have the cash and couldn't afford it. He couldn't afford to contribute to food, or gas, or electricity, or shoveling the driveway either. He always had money for parties though. Ultimately, we threw his arse out (over other things, but this was a part), and saw our bill drop, well, 70%. So, really, I'm going to run with the parents being justified on this one.

it annoys me how much people seem to want to be 'insane' or 'weird' etcetera. like previously stated if you were really insane chances are not only you, but everyone around you wouldn't like it.

#10, to the degree of 'Grammar Nazi'

I feel your pain. Growing up we had to shower like the navy personnel and couldn't run the water for more than 60 seconds at a time. My dad would stand outside the bathroom door timing us and beat on the bathroom door when time was up. Hopefully this is just a passing obsession with them and they'll lose interest in it soon.

#110 Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result each time.

ViviMage 39

I have a gym at work and can shower there. I would work out other ways to save water. Like "yellow mello", before I put up with no showering. If you can smell your funk, everyone else could days ago! Also, buy dry shampoo sprays. They work. You can also get cleaning wipes meant for people invalid and can't shower from surgery. It's like a big diaper wipe you can microwave.

HungerGames95 13

Baby wipes are your best friend at that point, OP.