Stop begging

By cuckolddreams - 21/01/2015 19:06 - United States - Broken Bow

Today, while begging my wife for sex for once, she told me she didn't have time. I said it wouldn't take long. She said, "I know." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 297
You deserved it 11 754

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Poor is the man whose pleasures depend on the permission of another.


Actually that's a pretty good point...

I think I can speak for most women. Believe me that for us, sex/foreplay begins in our heads. I love my boyfriend and am very attracted to him BUT if he only focuses on certain parts of my body and doesn't give me any ''mental stimulation'' I get bored very quickly. Make your wife dream about you. With small acts of attention.

Agreed. Very much agreed. Also my guy wants sex WAY more than I, so sometimes I get annoyed in that regard.

If she's responding like that, it sounds like recently you've been the guy who doesn't make sure that his partner climaxes as well. Don't be that guy who skips foreplay, gets off, then rolls over to go to sleep. Everybody hates that guy.

If you dont have kids , get a goddamn divorce!

Divorce just because he's not getting any? There's more positive and cheaper alternatives.

what kind of man begs his wife for sex?

A man who's looking for an excuse not to cheat. Either that or has no game. Difficult to say which it is on this one.

Do you need a really good excuse not to cheat? WTF

There could be something else bothering her that's leading her to be uninterested. I know when I get frustrated by my husband's action (or lack of) the last thing I want to do is have sex with him.

Been there, but on the flip side. Had to beg my husband. It ended in divorce because of that. Couples need to be more than just roommates. In my opinion.

I have that same problem! This is the first time I've ever heard of another female not getting any by her husband. It's Sad but I'm relieved that I'm really not the only one. I agree though, my relationship is damaged as well so op needs to figure out how to fix things if possible.

Nope, you're totally not alone! Happens more often than you'd think. I'd have been happy with once a month, instead of once every couple years, LOL. I asked him to see a doctor, or us to go councelling, but he refused. So if he wasn't willing to work on the only thing in five years of marriage that I was adamant we fix, I sent him packing.

#50 and #87. I suggest reading The 5 Love Languages. It helped me understand what and why I was having problems and gave me a chance to work on correcting my end.

Lots of cases of cheating are caused by situations like this, not all but lots. People always look at a cheater as a piece of shit scumbag, but the thing is, intimacy is a very important part of a relationship so when you withhold sex like that, that's emotional abuse..

How about ending the relationship because of lack of sexuality before cheating? The thing to do is to speak up and says that it cant go on that way. Cheating is just the cowards way of not facing the issues at hand. And not breaking up if nessecary.

"Withholding sex" is not abuse. They're not doing anything but controlling access to their own body. Sex isn't a right. Just because you are in a relationship with someone doesn't mean you are owed sex. And if you're treating it as something you're owed as part of a relationship rather than a mutually participatory experience, you're part of the problem.

83 I think I see 54's point... Sex is not a guarantee just because you're in a relationship and yes your argument is a more than valid defense but... And there is a but here: women do use sex, or lack thereof, as a weapon; some men do the exact same thing. To me, when its to the point that it's used as a weapon (i.e. I'm mad at you for [insert stupid reason here] so no sex for you) then the immaturity is on the part of the one using sex as a weapon. I would argue that much like the cold shoulder or other forms of withholding affection, when used immaturely, withholding sex is a form of emotional abuse. Add on that sex *is* an important part of a healthy relationship and there are, to me, times when withholding sex (while defensible) is just flat out ridiculous/abusive.

105 made a good point. If there is no Sex for a prolonged time period and its not ok for both parties there needs to be a serious talk. From a mens and are easier to get into the mood. Women seem to be harder in that way. Its probably linked to testosterone levels because it is responsible for sex drive. And the more you have the easier and the less a head thing it can be. Women are brought up with another point of view and many younger one are not that comfortable with their body or know what they really like due to lack of experimantation and experience with themselves. (this whole women arent allowed sexuality with themselfes and its not ok to touch themselfs down there parenting. Thats really bad.) I made the experience that men are expected to get up anytime and arent expected/allowed to say no because theyre men and they have to want to have sex. Some women seem to be unnwilling to get their man into the mood when he doesnt really want to have sex. So the same thing goes the other way around too. Even though it is less likely.

Dude you shouldn't have to beg for this. Grow a pair and go find someone else.

Real men don't go out to find someone else just because they're not getting any.