Stranger danger

By Anonymous - 15/03/2016 03:42 - United States - Ocoee

Today, I was talking to people around school to make new friends. I met an amazing guy and we really hit it off. He was fantastic in every way, but decided to end our conversation with, "We shall meet in the afterlife!" I don't know if I should be scared or not. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 679
You deserved it 1 688

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For what? Ask him if he wants to plan your next reincarnated forms or something. Tell him you dont wanna be a cockroach again.

KVKdragon 26

Maybe he was joking around and forgot to explain his joke? I don't know what else to say


I guess you'll see him next lifetime. does anyone know which song I'm referring to?

cloudydays 10

You should've said you respawn every time you die.

Maybe he plans on kidnapping you and forcing you into his interpretation of the afterlife by force? If he starts spouting about lotion and baskets then you should run...

I always love the level of "Oh no! Run!" when someone says something weird. Why not be weird too? What's so great about acting like everyone else? Live a little, if you're gonna make new friends you gotta be open to different people. In highschool I was the local goth, friends with 2 Jocks, the hottest cheerleader in school, band members and the pot heads. if you're open you truly can make some friends.

If he takes you to a party and everyone is wearing robes, don't drink the punch!

Maybe he meant it in the same way as people say "see you on the flip side?" If he was saying it in a faux theatric way, or just joking, it's no concern.

I say, "See you on the other side." sometimes. Chill. It's just a saying.

He probably was trying to use a saying. kind of trying to say he will see u another time or that he wants to know u longer.

Kevinmeowbeanz 22

sounds like something I would say