Stranger danger

By john doe - 07/12/2013 17:29 - United States - Portland

Today, my 6 year-old daughter got mad at me for not buying her yet another expensive doll. I had to pull her away, and she started screaming for help. The next thing I know, another shopper puts me in a chokehold and calls for security, all while my daughter smirks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 060
You deserved it 6 210

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh man if I ever did this, this comment wouldn't even exist.


Stop spoiling your daughter and tell her off properly

My mum wouldn't have any of that I was scared of 123

Wow ur daughters a spoiled brat. I would never let my child be like that

Tell her Santa isn't real, and that you won't be buying her any Christmas presents this year. That'll fix that rotton personality of hers.

Looks like your raising a brat good luck with that.

buttcramp 21

you teach people how to treat you

Her room would be stripped down to where she doesn't even have a pillow to play with

kayoss 1

I would of kicked her ass like my mother did to me when I was younger. pouted when she wouldn't get me an optimus prime toy, got my ass whooped on the spot. hurt so much I couldnt cry.

If you'd have punished her accordingly before, this never would've happened