Stranger danger

By john doe - 07/12/2013 17:29 - United States - Portland

Today, my 6 year-old daughter got mad at me for not buying her yet another expensive doll. I had to pull her away, and she started screaming for help. The next thing I know, another shopper puts me in a chokehold and calls for security, all while my daughter smirks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 061
You deserved it 6 210

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh man if I ever did this, this comment wouldn't even exist.


chrystal122 6

That kind of parenting is the reason I hate when kids come into my work place. I always thank the parents of the well behaved kids. Way to go, mother

your daughter is a peice of dog shit

"Santa heared you've been a horrible little brat this year, so yea better luck next time"

bigmammajamma69 4

This is what happens when parents spoil their kids. Take a parenting class

I am genuinely shocked at the amount of comments suggesting spanking her. In my country any violence against children is illegal and might end up in the child being taken into custody. On the other hand, though, these laws are quite fresh - as I was around OPs' daughters' age, my mother would punish me by taking me by my hair and pull it slightly if I did wrong. Sure taught me to behave better.

Holy shit. No, do not hit your children. Just don't.

That's what's wrong with kids today. We're to afraid to give them real punishments as consequences for bad behavior. I was spanked as a kid and I'm fine.

I was hit as a kid and I'm not fine about it at all. I'm certainly not putting my kids through that.

I was spanked as a child and if I EVER back talked I got soap in my mouth. You better believe it worked and if I ever had a kid that tried to act like this they would get an ass whooping of a lifetime.

How about this: let's be honest and admit that spanking won't affect every child it's used on. Personalities are going to differ, regardless of nature or nurture. We can't assume that spanking won't leave an emotional scar on a kid; likewise, we can't assume that spanking will leave an emotional scar. Unfortunately, we can't use the scientific method here, since only one of a particular child-in-question exists. As far as a solution, we should concede that we can't know for certain if one method of parenting is right or wrong, as well as another. Ultimately, it comes down to using what works (for our respective children) and experimenting with new disciplinary tactics that could possibly be less violent. I figured I'd at least try to snuff the flame war on parenting for now.

the minimum punishment for this should be a belting, the return of their christmas presents, and standing in a corner when they're not sleeping, at school, doing their chores, eating, or using the bathroom, till New Years.

threaten to cancel christmas or to throw out all her toys. my dad did the same and i've never been a naughty kid since.

You deserved that OP I'm against beating a child but I don't see nothing wrong with giving them a belt across the bottom to let them know you're the boss and there's plenty more where that came from

She needs a good whipping, that's always what happened to me