
By Anonymous - 30/05/2009 14:36 - United States

Today, my brother had his hot friend over. I decided to make a move because he was staring at me and smiling all night, so I asked him which holiday was his favorite, Christmas or Easter while I batted my eyes and smiled. That's when he said, "You have lettuce in your teeth." FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 878
You deserved it 47 863

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is that how you define "making a move"? By asking about holiday preferance? That right there is a fail. And for the record, it's damn creepy when people batt their eyes; damn creepy.

wow. i dont know about you guys, but when i'm trying to score with a guy i ask him about his favourite holiday. they all think its so hot. xD


rr_10 0

I wouldn't be concerned... at least he told you, a lot of people wouldn't say anything. If he's your brother's friend you'll see him again, you can always make another move -maybe check your teeth out first though ;) Oh, and maybe the holiday question wasn't the most... flirtatious?

LaLaJoy 2

I hate when people make comments on FMLs saying that the person's life isn't "******" enough. Obviously, some of these are little more then awkward moments, and "**** my life" isn't necessarily meant to be taken literally.

Christmas or Easter? haha you're a JOKE but I do feel sorry for you next time...check your face before "making a move" haha favourite holiday? seriously haha

_reagan 0

what do you say after i tell you my favorite holiday or do you juss expect me to be attracted to you? : worst flirting method everrr. ydt

I don't understand the YDI's for giving flirting a try. FYL cuz you're apparantly not quite good at it.

If lettuce in your teeth kills your game, your game can't be that good.

what the **** ? YDI , you are the worst flirter i've ever seen,

Unless you have two outfits one that's a playboy bunny suit or a santas elf thing asking me what my favorite holiday is between those two is not going to make me interested in you or turn me on.

augustdanielle 0