By Anonymous - 30/05/2009 14:36 - United States
By Anonymous - 30/05/2009 14:36 - United States
By mr.palendrome - 06/03/2009 02:27 - United States
By jeeperspeepers - 02/08/2009 22:03 - United States
By uglyswimmer - 23/04/2009 01:58 - United States
By Anonymous - 27/03/2024 21:00 - United Kingdom
By klifestyle2012 - 12/11/2017 19:00
By Anonymous - 24/09/2011 23:32 - United States
By Kamburgler - 02/07/2011 06:33 - United States
By Shantoya - 17/01/2009 19:49 - United States
By Flip - 02/05/2012 05:06 - France
By ellarose - 10/04/2009 18:46 - United States
Oh **** #55. You're basically calling the OP an idiot when you typed a TL;DR paragraph (which, I DID read) for someone you've never even met or even care about. And please, she asked the guy what his favorite holiday was. She didn't say "WHICH RELIGIOUS HOLIDAY DO YOU APPRECIATE MORE, JESUS' BIRTHDAY OR HIS RESURRECTION?" In 2009 (which, *THANK YOU*, you reminded me that it WAS) hardly anybody considers holidays religious, they just think about presents and time off. It doesn't lead to "Lustful thinking" or premarital sex. S'wrong with you.
I'm not saying that religion will lead to thoughts of lust or premarital sex, #85. I'm saying that the thought of a religious holiday will at least in the back of his mind remind him of God, which will then remind him of the consequences of his actions, which will at least temporarily make him LESS INCLINED OR EAGER to have lustful thoughts or to engage in premarital sex. And #85... you're not a man, are you? You don't have a penis, so you wouldn't understand. ...Or maybe you DO? PS you just wrote a paragraph as well, skankass. pretty sure i didn't ask for your opinion. try again later... or not. Somehow you managed to disagree with everybody in this post! The only person you even defended was the damn OP, the only person who's life cannot be justified at this point. You also managed to make assumptions for 300 million people in america alone, as to how they view holidays, their religion, and thus their entire eternal life (if they believe in it). Your a joke.. oh and also a narcissistic bitch. get a life
No one actually bats their eyes these days. You're an idiot.
thats what happens when you hit on younger, dumber people.
that was really dumb of you. a) thats not how you make a move on someone, thats how you have a convo with them. b) batting your eyes would make it hekka obvious and hed think you belong in a mental institution
HAHAHAHAH FMLwrestler, it is time for you to shut. the. ****. up. First of all, Jesus is not a cockblocker unless you're a psycho Christian virgin. . Second, all you need to do to know that nobody cares THAT MUCH about the religious implications of Christmas and Easter (except for the minority that is Jesus freaks) is open your ******* eyes to our culture. Pay a bit of attention to ads, shopping malls, commercials, etc around the Holidays. Santa Claus, Christmas music, presents, the Easter bunny, eggs, marshmallow peeps, etc. Maybe YOU are the one who needs to get a life so you can leave your shell and experience the world realistically, instead of reading into things that don't matter.
#86, unless, of course, the guy wasn't religiousat all. Then he would not be worried about what god will do to him if he hinks about sex. It looks like you too made quite a few assumptions on what this guys religion is, and what people think of when they here of Christma and easter. you also called every jew and atheist a retarded selfish jerk. So you probably managed to insult half the people on this sight. And who did you say was a selfish jerk again??
"you brought up holidays. Worse still, you assumed he was a Christian. Now with that said, I'm a Christian and Jesus and God are the absolute best, Jesus died for all of our sins so anybody who doesn't love or AT LEAST RESPECT him, is a retarded selfish jerk. Even the Muslims RESPECT Jesus, they say he was a good prophet. And hell, the muslims try to blow us up! So people on here attacking Jesus and the holidays are dumb hypocrites. Would they die for anybody else? yeah, RIGHT." Okay FMLwrestler. Um your the one that made a fucing mistake. Your the one ******* talking about religion. Not EVERYONE "respects " jesus. Im jewish. I dont think he was a good prophet. Actually, he wasnt even a prophet in our eyes! so before you go telling anyone not to talk about religion look at your damn sellf. You hypocrite bastard.
I am going offer you a heavy revelation. If you think that you have a FML condition because a piece of lettuce is in your teeth, then I have a heavy revelation for you: You should prepare to be anally ganged-raped at least once a week for the rest of you life. Lettuce between the teeth could only be an FML to someone who does not have a life.
Is that how you define "making a move"? By asking about holiday preferance? That right there is a fail. And for the record, it's damn creepy when people batt their eyes; damn creepy.
wow. i dont know about you guys, but when i'm trying to score with a guy i ask him about his favourite holiday. they all think its so hot. xD