
By fuckthepopo - 21/01/2012 02:31 - United States

Today, I found out my boyfriend has been cheating on me. In tears, I called my best friend and told him everything. He responded with one or two-word answers throughout, but I felt better all the same. That is, until I heard him begin to take a loud piss half-way through my sentence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 844
You deserved it 6 484

Same thing different taste

Top comments

every1luvsboners 11

When you gotta go, you gotta go, no matter what's going on. I'm not going to piss my pants for anyone; unless you're into that sort of thing.

Help comes in many forms,i guess in this case it was piss


He found a way out of the friendzone 0_o

Jewnut 0

Either he isnt your best friend or he didnt care cuz you are dating a jerk you were warned about and for some reason wouldnt listen to anyone or you complain too much... Who knows

Jewnut 0

Ps.. Guy to girl best friendships can work ppl. And certain guys can listen and give a crap, it just depends on the guy. But from his reaction it seems like hes not the type

U prob put him in the friend zone the started dating a douche bag so he thinks u deserve wat u got

o.O I've never gone to the bathroom while on the phone and I've been in a long distance relationship for nearlly two years, not to mention we talk every possible night. O.o Then again everyone's different and you didn't say all people. :3

It'd be a bit unreasonable for him to hold it in while he comforted you. Granted he could have asked you to call him back but then you might have felt brushed off.

PRpandaz 6

Ok i know im not the only one laughing But seriously, sorry about your boyfriend. You deserve better.

tuppencej777 0

Guys need incentive in order to pay attention. The question should have been "so seen as you are so comfortable peeing while I listen, and I just lost steady sex, I was wondering if you want to hang out?" You wont be so focused on a guy that didn't want you, and a new butt buddy will raise your self-esteem. He gets a reward for listening to you drone on about your failed relationship, and will finally get out of the annoying friend zone. Win, win.