Surgery gone rogue

By Anonymous - 03/06/2012 20:27 - United States

Today, I was operating on a young girl, when she began to awaken during the surgery. We quickly put her back under, of course, but now I'm terrified that she'll remember my profuse cursing and get me in the shit with my curmudgeonly killjoy of a boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 981
You deserved it 11 429

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Flash her one of those things from Men In Black.

Surgery must be pretty stressful. There's a lot of pressure involved. If anyone should be allowed to swear at work, it should be a surgeon.


Stormdriven37 6

Why are people saying YDI? I would be swearing too if a little girl's life was on the line, and the fact she was waking up was threatening that.

Definitely a not so common FML... Awesome :-) I'd be ******** bricks too dude jobs are scarce right now...

CeeCee_fml 16

Waking up during a surgery has to be one of my greatest fears, right behind burning to death. The doctor swearing up a storm will be the last thing I'll be concerned about. Besides, she probably heard much more colorful vocabulary in her grade school.

Rachaelc23 8

That would be the fault of the anesthesiologist. Not yours. You have nothing to worry about

Exactly what I was going to write. Go and yell at your gas man for not sorting the propofol out. That's his job!

CeeCee_fml 16

I can't be the only one who thought of the doctor from Courage the Cowardly Dog: "Nothing to worry about. Nothing at all."

If she does; say she was out of it and doesn't know what she's talking about.

I worked for a doctor who was a general in the Army, every other word that came out of him was a curse word. They all curse.. But he was an excellent doctor an overall good guy.

I hope I never get a surgery performed on me by you.

unknown_user5566 26

Why? It's not his fault the girl woke up. My assumption is that the surgery was sucessful.

This is exactly what's wrong with the medical system. Regardless of whose fault it was (I'm guessing the anesthesiologist), OP does not care about the fact that the girl woke up and possibly had a very traumatizing experience. All he's worried about is his job. I have no problem with a surgeon swearing. I have a problem with them not caring about how their patient feels. To those of you saying he probably was just worried about her, he made it very clear that he wasn't. Put yourself in the situation of the girl who was on the table.

Stormdriven37 6

Obviously he did care, because the life of this girl is in his hands, and that will of course cause extreme stress, which is why he was cursing.

It's ******* people like you that make people like him need to worry about their jobs.

I never said he should be reported. I don't care that he cursed, and I realize it wasn't his fault that she woke up. That doesn't change the fact that he expressed in his FML that he was concerned about nothing more than his job without mentioning any concern for the patient's experience.

What do you want him to say? "today, while performing a surgery on a little girl, she woke up and may be traumatized for life. FML" cuz that makes sense.

unknown_user5566 26

To everyone admonishing OP for cursing and being unprofessional, have you never, ever cursed while working? Performing surgery, especially on a child, would be EXTREMELY stressful in my opinion. So OP let a few curses slip when the girl woke up- so what? If I were her parents, I would focus on the fact that he got her put back under so she wasn't in pain, and that she was alive by the end of it.


Cursing is awesome, maybe you could've taught her a thing about 'no no words'