Surgery gone rogue

By Anonymous - 03/06/2012 20:27 - United States

Today, I was operating on a young girl, when she began to awaken during the surgery. We quickly put her back under, of course, but now I'm terrified that she'll remember my profuse cursing and get me in the shit with my curmudgeonly killjoy of a boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 981
You deserved it 11 429

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Flash her one of those things from Men In Black.

Surgery must be pretty stressful. There's a lot of pressure involved. If anyone should be allowed to swear at work, it should be a surgeon.


jayfreeman80 0

Hmmmm - what is your specialty? I am a cardiac surgeon and certainly don't answer to a "boss" but to a medical review board. And just so you know - any physician with ethics would speak with the patient after this type of event......first and foremost "do no harm" or did you miss that in medical school & interning too? Dumb Shit

What harm? It's not his fault the patient woke up. Dumb shit.

purplemnm 9

I'm calling bullshit on the cardiac surgeon thing. Stop being a DocBastard wannabe. Good day, sir.

This guy was caring for his patient. If you were slicing somebody up and doing stuff in their body and hey woke up you would panic too because this person is about to freak out and have terrible pain. So lay the **** off!

"She began to awake," - seriously? Followed by "get me in the shit with my curmudgeonly killjoy of a boss,"? I said YDI because of his clear lack of intelligence. Using a big word does not make you smart, especially when you use it incorrectly. I would be more than a little worried if my surgeon spoke or wrote like an imbecile.

And being an asshole doesn't make you sound any smarter than OP.

dominic1221 6

The grammar and word usage is correct, actually. You did a poor job of feigning superiority there, little Kahli.

unknown_user5566 26

Using big words does not make you smart, but I'm thinking that his years in medical school does.

tinkx22 6

I work in operating theatres and seen this happen, it's very unlikely she will even remember but fhl not yours

I would've been cursing too. Who knew she was gonna wake up?

crazykid300 6

F her life i feel bad 4 her

I had this happen to me years ago when I had my wisdom teeth removed! I had to have surgery because they hadn't completely come through yet, and I remember waking up and hearing my oral surgeon swearing a lot. I didn't report him or anything though, as long as the surgery goes well I'm sure they won't mind the foul language.

Trust me, she won't remember anything! Anesthesia works wonders on the human mind. Watching people wake up after being put under is rather hilarious, and I can assure you she won't remember it at all.

Sorry OP but I say YDI for not making sure she was properly anaesthetized in the first place! It's one of my biggest fears to wake up/be awake during surgery and you don't fill me with confidence! Unprofessional, bumbling surgeon... Real good image!

If it's one of your biggest fears, you should learn more about it. The surgeon doesn't anaesthetise the patient, the anaesthetist does.

This is true, yes, but they are meant to be a team and should be working together to make sure all is as it should be. Surgery is a serious thing, lives are on the line after all!

Seriously? Yeah, they are a team, but you have to understand that the surgeons concern is making sure things are done properly and precisely while the anesthesiologist is there to make sure the vitals are stable and keep a decent dose of anesthetic. They can't "Oh, hey, making a cut, wanna trade spots for a minute?" or "Oh, hey, how are her vitals? Is she waking up and stuff?" It's more along the lines that each individual has a job that they need to focus on (most do) without side conversations, that's what nurses are trained for.

Honestly not trying to argue here. In all honesty the fact that, as others have said before, he cared more about her 'telling on him' to his boss rather than the feelings of the patient is why I leaned towards YDI. So, I'm going to step out of this debate after this and let others argue it out :)

Thanks for being an uneducated asshole. It's not his fault, as the above people have pointed out.

Wow, so a college degree and having an opinion, not to mention having had surgeries myself make me an 'uneducated asshole' eh? Seriously, disagreeing with someone doesn't give you the right to personal attack. This is why, at times, I hate the Internet. To the mods, sorry for offtopic rant.