Surprise visitor

By j_portal - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Carlstadt

Today, as I was laying in bed in my dark room, with only my phone's light on, a huge moth flew around it and directly into my open mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 494
You deserved it 5 698

Top comments

do you just sit there with your mouth hanging open?

OP was in awe of their new phone's crystal clear ultra HD display.


JudgeComrade 17

Shouldn't do that, you can strain your eyes, and damage them quite bad, if you keep doing that. xx

Well maybe, just maybe.. you should have had your mouth closed.

I was in the exact same situation while reading this FML ... Shut my mouth straight away.

That did not sound like fun. Teaches us all not to sneak on our phones at night...