
By theboy6494 - 10/08/2009 20:47 - United States

Today, I came home early from business trip to Paris, where I bought an engagement ring. I was going to take my girlfriend of two years out and propose to her. I sneaked into our house as a surprise and… she was having sex with another man. Now I have a ring that I can only return in France. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 462
You deserved it 4 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

keep it! save it for a girl who's worth it. :)


greatnt249 0

What the hell is it with women cheating on guys in the guy's own home? That's about as low as it gets.

keep it for the next girl, sell it or, if it's not too feminine, wear it.

Pawn it dude, it's of no use to you. It's like a broken mirror now. Sucks man, FYL for sure. You'll find better.

that really sucks the ring. or take another trip to return it and get a french girl!!!! but you've just jumped in the bed to... fuuuuuuuck it saves you the time of convincing your girlfriend of having that threesome she already feels bad so she just would've kept going

berman765 0

what a BITCH. heres what you should do: talk to her cheerfully about what shes been up to while youve been away, maybe even ask what she was doing in preparation of your homecoming the night you saw her with the guy. get her nerves up then propose to her when she says no, casually say something along the lines of "ohhh, is it because of that dude you were having sex with in our room last night?" itll be a win for you =P good luck with the next girl

Then he gets the joy of breaking up with her, completely blind-siding her. But surely the girlfriend knows the boyfriend saw her? I mean, I know he said he snuck in, but would he just quietly sneak out after catching her cheating? I know I wouldn't.

This site makes me feel like everyone cheats >.< this is not good. Can human beings not be faithful to each other anymore? (I am exaggerating I know but you get the point). OP that sucks but at least you have one more reason to go back to France.

annamg 0

I know, reading FML always depresses me because of all the infidelity out there. If you're not willing to be faithful to someone, don't commit to a relationship.

There was another fml just like this ahsushsu thing happen save it for the nxt

Bullshet 0

What a bitch. Good thing you didn't marry her.

Contact the jeweler and explain the situation, and they might let you just ship the ring back.