
By theboy6494 - 10/08/2009 20:47 - United States

Today, I came home early from business trip to Paris, where I bought an engagement ring. I was going to take my girlfriend of two years out and propose to her. I sneaked into our house as a surprise and… she was having sex with another man. Now I have a ring that I can only return in France. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 462
You deserved it 4 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

keep it! save it for a girl who's worth it. :)


vansbabe66 0

it's girls like that who make the good guys like him bad for the girls who really are worth having a nice guy. he's gona be a dick now and have issues trusting. thx u *****!!!!!! ****** chuck Norris

Recusant 0

I was with you until you blamed Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris wasn't just attempting to create life, he created the Big Bang. (Okay, give me credit for the quippy innovation.) Anyway, man, this is life, and it's better you catch her cheating before you might've married her.

mel322 0

i dont mean that in a bad way..y should he just waste it ..u want him to sell an engagment ring ..and then buy another one when that bitch didnt even use it??? he should save it for someon more loyal ...that would just be like spend money for a ring get ur money bak then spend it for them same amount but for the same reason ..thats stupid ...just save it...thank you for the ppl that agree with me!

its because he presuming he cared about her (safe bet if he was going to propose) would remember her for the entire time he had that ring knowing he never had the chance to show her and feeling inadequate for having been cheated on, every time he saw the ring. if he sells it now not only does he avoid some of those emotions if not shorten them or null them somewhat but he can also try and find someone new sooner, its more for the guy's sake than the girls I would think in this scenario

soulonfire928 0
meowmeow7613 0

Save it for your future wife

Hahawowurlifesux 0

I definitely think that you should save it for someone in the future that is loyal. Who cares that it will remind you of her when you give the ring to the real someone? It will remind you that she was a cheating bitch and she didn't deserve it! Just don't tell the real someone and she'll never know :)

Not fml keep that for the next one its good u came home early now u won't propose to a cheating wife

thebigslim 13

FYL indeed.... when in doubt, craigslist it.

Posts like this make women look REALLY bad x) That sucks though, it's a shame your girl couldn't appreciate the things you could/wanted to give her =(

He just lost 9k, why would he sell it online for half at best? Try and contact the jeweller.