
By Anonymous - 06/05/2009 19:17 - United States

Today, I had some pretty bad stomach pain, so I went to the bathroom. After a few minutes, two girls walked in, taking stalls next to me. That's when my farts began to get very large and explosive. Not only did they break into laughter, they waited for me to come out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 78 495
You deserved it 5 205

Same thing different taste


hcmvn 0

Ask them if they want more!

That's terribly mean, I'd never do that to someone. I never do anything more than pee in a public bathroom for obvious reasons. Yikesss.

That's really, really sad of those girls. You should be the one laughing at THEM.

harlehatschi 0

think of it as, in this situation you can either be embarassed for a few minutes because some bitches stuck around to laugh at you, or you could be such a lifeless asshole that the highlight of your day is trying to humiliate someone :) i think you came out on top... lol

cxal_fml 0

Once i made a mess in a stall because i was sick and the cleaning lady came in then, so i waited longer rather than come out while she was there. I waited until everyone was gone....only to come out and find her standing there waiting for me to get done

wow. what total bitches. they don't know what it's like to not feel good? i'm sure they shit flowers and sunshine i wouldve slapped them if they waited for me, then told them a bout how i'm deathly ill with a condition that's contagious. >D

alexgisforme3 0

what ******* bitches, like seriously. no one nice ******* does that to someone. id wanna get the **** out of there really lol i be runnin n shit haha.