Tailgate party
By Anonymous - 23/05/2014 22:06 - Canada - Oakville
By Anonymous - 23/05/2014 22:06 - Canada - Oakville
By FenderBender - 03/09/2009 04:54 - Canada
By no, don't save me or nothing - 04/08/2013 16:53 - Canada - Woodstock
By cool trick buddy - 01/01/2017 08:59 - United States - Atlanta
By Anonymous - 01/01/2019 11:00 - United States - Spokane
By Anonymous - 01/09/2016 03:40 - United States - San Jose
By WTF - 27/09/2015 07:57 - Poland - Wroclaw
By hello higher premiums, fuckwad - 25/08/2013 16:23 - Canada - Montréal
By tailgaterhater - 17/08/2009 04:44 - United States
By serveandprotectyeahright - 20/11/2010 14:00 - United States
By lois2lane - 23/12/2009 07:15 - United States
People are assholes, but also if you were speeding away you should be more careful next time OP.
Call the cops? Wreckless driving isn't something to take lightly.
If only it had been wreckless. Alas, it was just reckless.
I'm pretty sure your supposed to call the cops if someone is tailgating you...
i dont know if its the same in every country, but if i was to use a phone whilst driving to report reckless driving, i could also get done because i was using a phone.
That's why you pull over to the side of the road to make the call.
Or use an earpiece
Should have called the cops while you were pulled over. Less damages that way and one less douchebag on the road.
And you think that while he called the cops the person tailgating him would just sit there and wait for him to move again for 5-10 minutes? Also just let them walk out, tell the police responder on the phone his license plate, and let him get caught? Right.
#19, since the douche had pulled to the side in front of the OP, the OP could have typed out the plate number and reported the vehicle to the police. They could still look for him even if the guy went on his merry way after ******* with them. also OP- sorry that happened to you, some people shouldn't be allowed near a wheel. At all. like others suggested, I would have called and just ignored him, if he rear ended you it would have been his fault and just that much more trouble. FYL.
5-10 minutes estimate for police to arrive in a traffic related demand? Now I'm jaelous of whichever country you're talking about...
People need to realize driving can be dangerous & to not make games out of it. Glad you're ok OP
Idiots, idiots everywhere
I had a guy following me like that. He suddenly parted ways when he saw my phone light calling the cops
I never thought I would find an asshole in Canada go figure... Some people shouldn't drive or just not drive when they act like a 5 year old
Wow what a douche (not OP)
Just ignore them, that seems to do the trick