Take a ticket

By ugh - 24/05/2015 19:53 - United States - Dearborn

Today, I realized that my relationship has hit a new low when I made an appointment with my girlfriend to have sex. I have a two week wait. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 126
You deserved it 5 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It is time to re-evaluate your relationship. You guys should have a good chat and make a decision if this relationship is salvageable or not.

You should talk it out with your girlfriend, it doesn't seem like the relationship would last long from that point.


Wow dude.just wow. When did she have you taken to the vet and castrated??

I agree with everyone else, you should really talk this out. A relationship can last with or without sex, in my opinion, but if you're reduced to making appointments with your partner to get laid, you should definitely have a sit-down soon.

nightfall8705 33

Time to talk it out or move on.

I wonder how many others are in her appointment book. OP needs to have a talk with his girlfriend. But sounds like he should move on to a girl who will treat him right.

I think you need a new girlfriend

Dude. ... That ain't your girlfriend!