
By Anonymous - 13/07/2014 04:08 - United States

Today, I decided to tan naked in a secluded part of my yard, so I wouldn't get tan lines. I even felt adventurous enough to leave my bikini and towel inside. This idea backfired however when my mom stopped home from work, assumed I wasn't home, and locked all the doors before she left again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 678
You deserved it 15 760

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to go all Adam and Eve and grab a few leaves.

You should have left some sort of indication for people to know you're home. YDI


blazerman_fml 17

Trapped in your backyard naked..Seems like you got the adventure you were looking for after all!!

You wouldn't be outside tanning in the first place if you thought someone might be home or come home

Chibitalia180 6

so where is this "secluded" yard and how can i find it...

I'd do something like that once when I was living with my mom I'm living on my own now I came home late and I didn't have a key and I got home at 3 and my mom always locked the door and she didn't come home until 9 and this was in the winter

It's always a good idea to have your keys with you when you are outside, no matter what.

Tanning naked happens, but what made you think it was a good idea to leave all coverage inside? At the very least, a towel could be used to lay on. YDI

I was thinking the same why leave your stuff inside