
By Anonymous - 13/07/2014 04:08 - United States

Today, I decided to tan naked in a secluded part of my yard, so I wouldn't get tan lines. I even felt adventurous enough to leave my bikini and towel inside. This idea backfired however when my mom stopped home from work, assumed I wasn't home, and locked all the doors before she left again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 678
You deserved it 15 760

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to go all Adam and Eve and grab a few leaves.

You should have left some sort of indication for people to know you're home. YDI


Why would you not bring clothes with you? I assumed you brought your phone, right? People need to get their priorities right. Clothes trump phones any day. YDI

This is what happens when you only have a single point of failure.

not everyone thinks like an engineer!

This is epic we need the next part of the story

If you're living with your parents, aren't you too young to be tanning naked?

Not everyone moves out the second they turn 18. Maybe she's college age at home for the summer. Even if OP is under 18 there is nothing wrong with being comfortable and confident. It's so rare with young women nowadays. The natural body is the least offensive part of humanity.

Being comfortable with your body and taking the risk of being naked in front of your own parents are two very different things!

Oh my gosh I would die uf this happened XD

You should've left a note. Or took your house key outside.