
By yummy - 30/05/2011 03:34 - United States

Today, I learned that "eating someone out" didn't actually involve food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 571
You deserved it 84 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fuzzygraywolf 0

a wee bit behind on the learning curve are we? lol


mayndaapathetic 4

shows you how far YOU'VE gone.

I don't think that is the case actually.

It's gross how people are judged based on their sexual experiences today. Why the hell does it matter? Is it "cool" to kiss/makeout with/**** anything that moves now?

SwaggerMelon 6

stuffing someone doesn't involve Turkey ;)

I didn't know 6 year olds used FML...

When I was six I was totally in to eating the 'tang

would that be the tang we call "poon" or the delicious orangey powdered beverage?

You sonofabitch I loved eating tang in all it's powdery goodness. You've exposed me.. Now how am I supposed to look cool??

That really doesn't mean much without knowing how old you are. if you're 16 then it's totally stupid of you not to know that yet but you could be 9 and in that case it's really not that shocking if you didn't know til now what eating someone out is. Without an age to use as reference it's really not something anyone can judge.

it depends on your environment, in sex ed here in the uk the terms were never used, it was just penis -> ****** sex and how to use a condom :/ I learned through context when people talked about sex and didn't fully understand it till a year ago

kitties_fml 12

@97: really? you first or primarily learned about sex from sex ed in school? jesus tapdancing christ.

egamage 0

"jesus tapdancing christ." win.

theten_fml 9