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The big reveal

By victoriassecret - 03/03/2010 09:24 - United States

Today, I finally felt ready to take my bra off during sex. My breasts had "deflated" somewhat due to weight loss and I was really self-conscious about them, but my boyfriend insisted I was hot no matter what. When the bra came off, the dick got soft. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 709
You deserved it 4 148

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Honey, I think if anyone feels awkward over that incident it should be him, not you.

KayBizz 0

damn :( if he won't hit it u can holla at me :)


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crimewc 0

damn **** turn him off like that u should have suck his dick made it came back alive

mmastermetallica 0

what guy gets soft after seeing more skin. either ur boobs are weird and small, or he's GAy. my ex had smaller boobs than me almost and I'm on the slim side. losing a boner from seeing boobs seems like getting hungry the more food you eat :x

myman47 0

becca Blaise ur a **** but I love u

beccas pic is on google. FAKEEEEEEEEE

ChicaChica5683 0

becca Blaise....that's cuz u look like a ******* *****.

it's true. boobs is better than bra, he must be gay.

Omg you can make a rhyme anytime. You,re a poet and you didn't even know it. If you see his dick, give it a little lick

tinkerbell1357 0

Wow... FYL... seriously... suduce him and get on with your life!!! But FYL indeed!!

tinkerbell1357 0

You dumbass.. she dnt deserve that!!!! Good job for loosing weight!!!!

myman47 0

WTF it's on google fukc u! those boobs looked nice. unlike this fml. ew

it's obviously not her cause she ignores what everyone says

Becca, seriously, you are a ****. Who takes pictures like that and puts it on the Internet for a display picture? Wow.

well the pic is nasty,but why would anyone put up a fake pic of themselves for a displlay pic.? especially one like that. thats sooo dumb becca, if its not your real picture.

op, If I was older, I would take you. I'd also demand a tittyfucking. if they're wrinkly it gets funky.

m23_2010 0

Damn blaise you are smokin hot!

Sickkid97 5

wanna come over 2 my house lolz

Sickkid97 5

wanna come over 2 my house with some weed?

132 she prolly put a fake pic up cuz shes actually a really fat ugly chick

haha since she used a fake pic then the real becca must be ugly haha

fortyboy 0
victoria4161993 0

I wish I could get mine smaller I'm 125lbs 5 foot 4 with a 32 dd bra size I have back problems trust me small is fine

141, what are you, 11? it's weird to make comments like that about older women

@ 1 what is she gunna so hook it to her boobs?

madie_hearts09 0

yes I was jk but there is such things as implants

Wow this one confused me almost as much as the breastmilk-phobia guy. I think this FML could go either way... On one hand sure he got soft... not a good sign and probably a valid FML, esp for him But on the reverse at least you lost wight which is much more healthy regardless of the size of your breasts... So many people are so obsessed with getting with a girl with DD's... whatever happenned to liking the natural girl with B's or C's ????

So many people are so obsessed with getting with a girl with DD's... whatever happenned to liking the natural girl with B's or C's ????

59: you're gonna have a great sex life!!!

lol 65... If you think all a (lasting) relationship is about is sex and boob size then you're the one who needs the help. I don't think you can get much more shallow than that Oh well... that means the girls I like are the ones left looking for someone anyways...have fun

xlostwithoutu 0

Oh well. FYL for what happened YDI for having premarital sex

exactly! well put! I know what she's saying.. having dropped a few sizes myself.. although I'm very tiny and now look "more proportionate" now being only 5foot but u get used ta what you had soo you'll feel like that a lil while till you realize your prob. still just as gorgeous as you were before if not more so.

tweetbaby14 18

@ 59 not all girls with a lot of chest have implants. I'm a natural D and I've made relationships last, but then again I have always been the one to end the relationship...

@DGross: ur so hot and I love ur arms wanna hook up? ; )

screwlife23 0

wow! marry me? lol unless ur morbidly obese or really ugly u sound like you'll make some girl really happy. I thought most guys thought a 34C(my size) was too small. good job on not being shallow. :)

89 he didn't say they were just B and C is the average size

kmdfirefox 0

@67,59: win, if you wanna have a long lasting relationship, go for the girls that you like for who they are not their boob size and stuff

rachel7482 0

Dam #93 ur a ****!! oh and btw #59 ur really hot!

caleb865 0

67 on my itouch your pic looks like tim tebow

stainglassvtv 0

tanks ur comments r helpim us otha girls out

@ 115: Was that intentional? Or did you just fail?

DGross I wasn't saying that to be rude or shallow. I have B size breasts. If only most guys realized that girls with big boobs are the only ones who are hot and great in bed. I could put on some leather boots and a skimpy little outfit and be just as great as some girl with double Ds. I was just trying to say that because you can look at girls without taking in their breast sizes makes you more of a great guy. :)

*girls with big boobs AREN'T the only ones. sorry

Misguided_Ghost 0

aww; DGross. I like how your not shallow (;

Dude, there IS a such thing as natural DDs. I'm a natural DD. Or would you like to tell me that somehow, without my knowledge, as I am only 16, got silicone implanted into my breasts? Because DDs are NOT fun! Hello back problems.

Then again, #67, you're right about everyone needing help if the only thing they relate relationships with is sex and boob size. So thanks for standin' up for all us SMART people on that one. : )

@ #159 I didn't mean any disrespect... I know a few girls too who have natural D's / DD's and your point about back problems is very true... My comments were more about girls who have A/B/C/whatever and feel like they need implants to have those DD's because that's what guys want. There are guys out there who are happy with who a girl is, not what she is... @ # 142 My response is the way it is looking back on it now b/c I was on my iphone at the time and assumed you were a guy without looking at your user name... :-P @ #115 umm.. thanks :-) @ #135 lol thanks...I've never played more than some football with friends but I can see some resemblance :-) @102 The pic I have up is me so yea, definitely not obese though ugly/not ugly is your call :-P I guess I was just angry after reading so many posts about how she should keep the weight on to have the larger breasts... Glad to know I'm not alone in still caring about the other stuff too...

SpyderMonkee 0

DGross, you proved me wrong. I thought there was no dude who isn't shallow or gay at the same time. I'm happy there's still someone out there who cares about what really matters.

I don't understand why girls go out to get huge boobs what ever happened to real natural beauty. I have a big chest but atleast it's natural an not plastic!

redshortsx 0
Brittaneyyy 0

wait but I'm a natural D how would that make me fake and unnatural I swear their mine lol

Why do people say C's are small? I have D's and think C's are the perfect size, not in a creepy way but they're not too big but not small either.

zaharaMeeka 0

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bihero 0

but its sex... i like bra off no matter wat. =.= 

KayBizz 0

damn :( if he won't hit it u can holla at me :)

009yp 0

have ur bf motorboat em till there full

Diannaa 0

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HXCxSceneKidx 0

YDI for having a shitty boyfriend

hey us guys can't controll it. it's got a mind of it's own.

do20ss 4

15 has a point, u think we want all the hard ons we have...u think we like it when we go soft after a while? we don't but WTF can we do about it...still I don't think this is an fml, cuz there r plenty of guys that don't care about ur little flaws. now if ur psyho too, then good luck

EllyH 0