The customer is always an ass

By muffins - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Potomac

Today, while working my shift at the grocery store, we ran out of muffins. I'm a little overweight, and I guess that's the reason an irate customer accused me of eating all of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 632
You deserved it 4 652

Same thing different taste

Top comments


" Why ya gotta be so rude? I'm gonna eat it anyway~ eat that food, eat it anyway~ " Sorry, I'll stop now.

lennon_ 16

Well you can lose the weight.. people like that will be dicks forever.

The real question is how did you reply to such a dick?

You should have said "and they were delicious"

orphanclubber 8

What an asshole sorry op on the bright side an asshole didn't get his muffin that day :D

Now that customer is just mean. People these days have no sense of decency or respect. On another note that situation is super funny when you aren't the one getting called fat.

allieallie18 7

dicks like that don't deserve muffins

Fatfairygoth 11

Should've said yes. So he couldn't eat them all, because if he's fat AND has a crappy personality then he's really got bugger all going for him. And then kicked him.

I would've told them they should be thanking me for saving them from those calories