The customer is always an ass

By muffins - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Potomac

Today, while working my shift at the grocery store, we ran out of muffins. I'm a little overweight, and I guess that's the reason an irate customer accused me of eating all of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 632
You deserved it 4 652

Same thing different taste

Top comments


people these days can be so rude. I'm sorry smth like that happened to you OP

What an asshole. This is why I'm close to being a misanthrope. Don't listen to that person. A little junk in the trunk never hurt anyone.

Don't worry, people with judgmental intellect are usually the ones that'll look like the asshole in the end. You should feel confident about yourself 'cause I'm sure you're a nice person, so don't let people's derogatory remarks make you feel insecure about yourself.

Wow sorry OP. Do you work at Walmart?

dDailydDosage 8

Wow... Well that's rude. Sorry OP :/ tell her you'll eat her next if she doesn't get out of your face >=]

a little wouldnt make someone joke like that. no joke, you must be huge. either way it was bogus.