The customer is always an ass

By muffins - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Potomac

Today, while working my shift at the grocery store, we ran out of muffins. I'm a little overweight, and I guess that's the reason an irate customer accused me of eating all of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 632
You deserved it 4 652

Same thing different taste

Top comments


people are mean.. tell the customer thay he ran out of brians...

Who tf is stealing my BFF IDENTITY. this happened to him. Stop trying to get attention from his Facebook status by posting it as your own. He's also from Maryland so I assume you saw. Punk.

I realized just how much I ******* hate people during my short time in retail. Hang in there. People generally suck, and that was an awful thing to say, or even imply.

This was me. My best friend posted this to get a laugh. I work at a grocery store in a DC suburb in Maryland. I responded with sorry ma'am but it was not me. But if I wasn't worried about getting fired I would have been like yeah b!tch it was me now get out! I'm glad you all agree with me that she is not a nice lady!

That's mean. People are rude nowadays!

That guy/girl deserves to be taught a lesson