The language of love

By TextsAlot - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, my husband has been out of town for a week. The only text I've got from him was, "I didn't take a poop today." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 533
You deserved it 3 982

Top comments

I just asked my husband why men do this, (he is also guilty of the whole "i just took a poop, wanna see it?" thing) and he says: "damn, it's because you're my wife! Don't you want to know? What if I'm hospitalized and the doctor needs to know about my bowel's functions!" He then proceeded to ask me about my bowel's functions "just in case". Op, men don't really say a whole lot of "I Love you"s. Men say "Come and see if you can handle smelling my fart." It's um.... affection?

besides the fact that he has not messaged all week, i actually think that message is hilarious! He has a sense of humour. Be happy for that =)


you're the one who married him, live with it.

Wow, what a clingy, self-absorbed bitch. Hint: most guys need time away from their girlfriends/wives in order to not beat the ever-living crap out of them.

22 haha. small talk... just think about it...

twilighthater1 0

Feel the love it could have been:"today i took a poop and the only reason im telling you this is cuz it looked like you."

UpYoursInAdvance 0

I just asked my husband why men do this, (he is also guilty of the whole "i just took a poop, wanna see it?" thing) and he says: "damn, it's because you're my wife! Don't you want to know? What if I'm hospitalized and the doctor needs to know about my bowel's functions!" He then proceeded to ask me about my bowel's functions "just in case". Op, men don't really say a whole lot of "I Love you"s. Men say "Come and see if you can handle smelling my fart." It's um.... affection?

Lulz. The infamous poop report. I know it well.

thescyphozoa 6

Huh, sometimes I don't poop when I'm on vacation, too.