The last laugh

By criminal tit offender - 31/08/2013 16:25 - United States - Bessemer

Today, I went skinny-dipping with my friends. At one point, I jokingly pointed out how one of them had the smallest boobs of us all. She calmly got out of the pond, dried herself, scooped up our clothes and phones, and drove off in her car. The cops she called arrived soon after. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 965
You deserved it 72 753

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe next time you shouldn't comment about other peoples bodies. If you have nothing nice to say, you shouldn't say anything at all.

While her response was a bit excessive, you are no one to judge someone else's breasts.


I agree don't comment on boobs size but the butt-hurt girl was way over the top and passive-aggressive about it. I'm Not on lil-****'s side.

Now you know what happens when you don't respect other people's bodies. Next time keep your mouth shut.

I don't know why people are saying the girl needs to get a sense of humour, the funniest part of this FML was OP getting her clothes nicked (though calling the police was too far). Saying "you have the smallest boobs" isn't funny at all, it's a rubbish joke! It's like commenting "you have the biggest nose" or "you have the smallest eyes". Just because something is true doesn't mean it should be said.

you deserved that! I would be so mad and sad if one of mu friends said that YDI

I am with the people who say that the OPs comment was unnecessary. On the other hand the reaction of that girl was so over the top that in the end I am with the OP here. How come that so many people feel entitled to over-drastic measures as reaction to a relatively minor slip. Again, that comment may have been rude, although this is often a question of context, but calling the cops? Instead of saying something like "Well, at least I can get implants, but sorry for you... your brain will STAY small!", she is actually calling the police? I guess she filed a complained about sexual harassment or something, otherwise police would not have reacted, and this is completely inappropriate. If she is THAT thin-skinned she better start to find a cave where she can spend the rest of here life in - safe from the world and all the bad bad people.

lb0812 18

She called the cops on them for skinny dipping. Public indecency. And OP needs tact more so than the friend needing tougher skin. You don't make comments like that, especially when a person is in a vulnerable position, completely exposed. If you're not complimenting someone's physical appearance, you're insulting it. Rarely is there a safe middle ground.

monnanon 13

they were all in the same position. all naked in both senses. the vunerable position arguement doesnt count.

Thanks for the clarification. And again, making comments about someones body is rude, especially if he/she is in a vulnerable position. But as monnanon said, all off them were naked, so the OP was in the same position of vulnerability. And there was ONE person making a rude comment and she just got everyone else in trouble. Things like this, though rather harmless, can get out of control - once such a thing is on record it can affect your whole further life, especially in the U.S.. I stick with it, her reaction was completely inappropriate.

and yes she did over react by calling the cops

Never EVER comment on someone else's bodies! What you may see as a joke, others could get really hurt over. I don't think there's many women who are happy with their breasts. YDI

While her friend may have been embarrassed, joking around is something you do with your friends. Obviously OP didn't know it bothered her that much. maybe instead of overreacting like that she could've pulled OP aside and told her. FYL OP find friends with a sense of humor.

I wonder how this would have gone if this was about dick size...

I would never make comments about any of my friends breasts size (male or female) unless they mentioned them first. You just don't do that. You deserved to have your clothes and phone stolen. Let it be a lesson to you. Keep your fat mouth shut about other people's bodies!