The last laugh

By criminal tit offender - 31/08/2013 16:25 - United States - Bessemer

Today, I went skinny-dipping with my friends. At one point, I jokingly pointed out how one of them had the smallest boobs of us all. She calmly got out of the pond, dried herself, scooped up our clothes and phones, and drove off in her car. The cops she called arrived soon after. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 965
You deserved it 72 753

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe next time you shouldn't comment about other peoples bodies. If you have nothing nice to say, you shouldn't say anything at all.

While her response was a bit excessive, you are no one to judge someone else's breasts.


you just dont comment on anybodys boobs in that situation.. you r an ass hat! so pleased you got caught!:D

K_kanaka 26

What the hell were you thinking? There are some boundaries you must not cross.

-That was very childish of her to do! Am I the only one who is not agreeing with how the girl handled the situation? Yeah, OP was being mean but EVERYONE got in trouble because this girl decided to take their clothes and call the cops. If I was one of the other friends I would have been mad as hell!

I think very few people are defending the actions of her friend. The point of all the YDI comments are that it was completely avoidable on OP's part.

And we should feel bad, why? Common sense obviously isn't your forte, is it...

From all the "YDI" comments, the FML community and OPs "friend" can't take a bit of hazing. What are friends for if we can't tease each other about things? Calling the cops and taking their clothes is extremely over the top.

if she really is your friend you should have know shes insecure about her boobs

Bludmagnus 13

A fine example of feminine hypocrisy... as if it had been a guy saying that he would have been done a lot worse than many of the comments suggest on here.

Obey_StudBoii 23

I hate to say this but she must've had it in for you for quite sometime, and I assume this was just the icing on the cake. It was a bitch move of her to take your belongings, then go an cry to the cops when she should be getting arrested for taking your stuff!! Like everyone else said OP next time think before you speak.

What the OP did was wrong. Joke or not, she should not poke fun at other people's flaws. However, stealing her friends' clothes, phones and having them arrested for skinny dipping is a very extreme reaction to pointing out her insecurities. They could very well end up on the sex offenders list, which could really screw up a person's life.

monnanon 13

since when are small boobs a flaw.

You're right. They aren't flaws. I used a poor choice of words.

monnanon 13

see how easy it is to cause offence by accident. you are damn lucky the cops are not at yo7r door right now :p

I feel like saying that someones boobs are small isnt mean, you're pointing out a fact not trying to insult her

what makes you think you have the right to comment on any woman's body? you're sick.

monnanon 13

it was her friend, they were naked and it was a harmless comment. harmless unless you are a raging mental case with insecurities about everytjing that is.

lb0812 18

Why would you feel the need to point that out. Obviously the girl is well aware of her own body. OP had a joke at her friends expense and the friend flipped the joke on her. Sucks to suck.

monnanon 13

i am the tallest in my group of friends that is painfully obvious and i cannot change it. shiuld i call the cops everytine a friend points it out? i also am the only one with green eyes. again i pose the question. even if a friend said "hey you are the only white girl in this group,"i still wouldnt be pissed.