The last laugh

By criminal tit offender - 31/08/2013 16:25 - United States - Bessemer

Today, I went skinny-dipping with my friends. At one point, I jokingly pointed out how one of them had the smallest boobs of us all. She calmly got out of the pond, dried herself, scooped up our clothes and phones, and drove off in her car. The cops she called arrived soon after. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 965
You deserved it 72 753

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe next time you shouldn't comment about other peoples bodies. If you have nothing nice to say, you shouldn't say anything at all.

While her response was a bit excessive, you are no one to judge someone else's breasts.


I find it amazing how a lot of people are defending her actions (the small titted robber). What she did is in no way proportional to what op said (presumably without even intending to insult). What a wacky world we live in lol

Who lives in modern day society and doesn't realise that someone will be upset if you point out their boobs are smaller than everyone elses? I literally cannot believe that it's possible to draw attention to someone's small boobs while "not meaning to cause offense".

monnanon 13

offense is very rarely meant but is taken by the person the comments are made to. what kind of ****** up world does not let you make observations.

sour_sweet_gone 14

That's terrible, me and my friends joke about each others boobs ALL the time (mine r to big an hers look to small) but its all in a joking manner I don't think she should've called the cops. What happened when they got there? We're any if them cute???

I do think you deserved it but the cop thing was rather spiteful of her.

Miss_Jazzalyn 4

At the risk of being thumbs down I just wonder how many people missed the fact that OP was joking. I'm not saying OP should have said what they did, but I don't think she meant to hurt her friend. Wouldn't mind seeing OPs comment on this FML.

Epikouros 31

You're a retarded bimbo with a stinking **** from all your STDs. Just kidding! :)

Squeaky_Tomato 14

Or was it rude comments followed by OP saying "it was just a joke"? Saying something was a joke after hurting someone doesn't change it. More over, what where they doing while the girl was drying off and getting dressed? Making more "jokes"? Trying to stop her? I think there is more to the story.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

She might not have boobs but she does have brains and a wicked temper. You never piss off the driver. Well she lost all of her friends.

My problem with this is that if you comment how a friend has the smallest boobs, they get so angry at you. But if someone comments on how you have big boobs, they think it's fine just because it's a joke. The logic is you can't say anything about small boobs, but talk all you want about the big ones?

lb0812 18

Typically comments about big boobs are compliments.

imodilley 4

I have a feeling this reaction wasn't just from your "littlest *******" comment. Judging by your snobby username, this isn't the first time she felt belittled by you. Karma at its finest.

thelaxersvlog 9

Although most people seem to be saying OP is in the wrong, who the hell is that self concious of their body? If someone said that to me I would say no s**t Sherlock. It's a good thing you have eyes.

monnanon 13

me too. op is not at fault and if i was op i would be veru pissed right now.

paybacktm 2

Call the police on her for stealing your phones.

Obey_StudBoii 23

Exactly what I thought when I read this.