The last laugh

By criminal tit offender - 31/08/2013 16:25 - United States - Bessemer

Today, I went skinny-dipping with my friends. At one point, I jokingly pointed out how one of them had the smallest boobs of us all. She calmly got out of the pond, dried herself, scooped up our clothes and phones, and drove off in her car. The cops she called arrived soon after. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 965
You deserved it 72 753

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe next time you shouldn't comment about other peoples bodies. If you have nothing nice to say, you shouldn't say anything at all.

While her response was a bit excessive, you are no one to judge someone else's breasts.


The difference is: you will probably get your phone back, she will remember this comment her whole life.

good. theres notging wrong with small boobs. they come with big asses.

the response was as bit extreme but you did start it

It's more fthelife of your other friends, who didn't offend her, but were in the same situation like you, being innocent. Boo on you!

Even if she didn't get offended I fail to see how this would be funny.

What a classy woman lol love her style YDI

This is the first FML where I've actually completely believed that the op deserved it.

you're a stupid asshole OP. YDI, go drink bleach

Bro, you don't talk about people while naked. Man in glass house and all that..

monnanon 13

right lets stop with this nonsense. OP was not bullying her friend. she simply stated what was painfully obvious and her friend flew off the handle. nothing bad was said, OP did not say the friend was ugly or inferior becuase of her smaller chest therefore i cannot justify her friends behavior. like most of the i am offended brigade the problem is with you if you can find an insult in every little statement. toughen the hell up and get on with your life.

The statement was completely unnecessary though. OP had no reason to say something like that. But she did. Because she's a bitch.

I agree with the overreaction part, but it does imply that she's inferior or ugly (meaning, not sexy) in that way. I have relatively small boobs (although a lot of women are worse off) and often feel uncertain because of that. People like me don't need it to be pointed out. I would've possibly left and went to cry in a corner or something. Do I need toughening up? Probably. But it was still very unnecessary of OP to be a bitch.

monnanon 13

you infer that op was saying the friend is inferior becuase thats what you believe about small boobs not what OP believes. op cannot be held responsible for the insecurities her friend has. also there was reason to make the comment if its the first time they were all naked together. i cant stand people who twist small comments into big deals.

lb0812 18

I have a friend who has a painfully obvious large nose. Should i point it out, as I'm just stating a fact? Or perhaps I could be a decent human being and maintain some tact without bullying my friends with factual information about their potential insecurities.

monnanon 13

or perhaps you could be a true friend and not pussyfoot around your friend. no i dont mean blurt it out for no reason but are yoy honestly telling me that a group of friends all in the nude were not doing some comparing? personally i feel that the fact OP was not afraid to talk about it proves she felt nothing negative about it.

Exactly. 246, just because you don't have "exactly the right nose", doesn't mean that you should take offense if someone comments, as an example. And the cops being called was just way too far. After all, yes, this was a comment on someone's boobs, but what is this, middle school? OP's friend should have just sucked it up.

I meant your friend. Sorry, mobile app and short memory. But anyway, so what? Some people are into that sort of thing, anyway. As one of my mates says: "anything more than a handful is a waste"

i agree with you 100% 202 the so called friend should be arrested for theft a teeny tiny bit of criticism is no excuse to steal clothes and cell phones

Monnanon with the mentality you seem to have, if you had a boyfriend with a minuscule dick would you just straight up call him out on it? Because I mean that'd be painfully obvious but I bet he'd be hurt.

I am just going to point this the op is saying it was a 'joke'. There is a big difference between a statement and a joke. It wasn't a joke, it was a nasty comment. To all the girls out there saying 'but I tease my friends for having small boobs.' Nobody wants ******* small boobs. They take it because your a insensitive bitch. When you put someone else down its make yourself feel better, at least admit and stop pretending its a 'joke' to justice your nasty personality. Everybody has something that they hate about them selves. I hope she gets some real friends, I have small boobs all my girlfriends are so nice about it, they go its the shape that counts, they help me at gym to make them look awesome because they are kind people and know its fuckong painful to ever have some judge you. OP, she can get bigger **** but your forever going to be a nasty bitch.

monnanon 13

if i was another guy and we were all naked together in the same situation as opyes i would say who has the smallest bits. bet the firend wouldnt have reacted like this if she had been told she had the largest boobies. i doubt op would have told her bf he had a small dick too. you can try to twist and defend what the friend did all you want fact is she flipped out over something stupid.

I beg to differ on that. Being in the military, having a small chest is a huge perk. I can wear small body armor, the size of my actual torso, without having to go up a few sizes just to make way for my tatas. Know what also gets in that large gap created by breasts? Bullets and shrapnel. Also, no back pain. Cute *and* supportive bras. ****, 98% of the time I throw on a $6 sports bra from Wal-Mart and call it a day, zero issues. My shirts don't get stretched out. Zero bounce during exercise. On top of it, I can be modest in anything. I like to avoid that whole 'sexually objectifying' myself thing. Not that I'm saying there's anything wrong with any chest size, small, medium, or large.