The pleasure, the pain

By BadBribe - 24/06/2009 19:15 - United States

Today, my girlfriend decided to bribe me to be good since we were going out to dinner with her parents by giving me a blowjob. The good news: it was one of the best she had ever given. The bad news: I came on her black dress. She responded by hitting in me in the nuts. Hard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 180
You deserved it 30 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She was the one who wanted to bribe you. WTF is her problem?


I'm conflicted on this one. I think no one ever deserves physical violence unless either in self defense or retalliation for physical violence. On the other hand, first of all, what kind of loser needs to be bribed into behaving? And second, how hard can it be to discuss beforehand whether she's going to swallow or not and if she doesn't, use your hand to block?

sarahcroy20 12

She had to bribe you? What the hell?