The pleasure, the pain

By BadBribe - 24/06/2009 19:15 - United States

Today, my girlfriend decided to bribe me to be good since we were going out to dinner with her parents by giving me a blowjob. The good news: it was one of the best she had ever given. The bad news: I came on her black dress. She responded by hitting in me in the nuts. Hard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 180
You deserved it 30 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She was the one who wanted to bribe you. WTF is her problem?


By giving you *******? What kind of speak?

fyredancer911 3

She wanted to bribe you. She gave you a ******** and she was dumb enough to wear the dress. Of course why you had to be bribed is concerning. Back to the point, she shouldn't've gotten pissed off cuz you finished, and it happened to land on her dress. Since that wasn't your intent. (:

He didn't have to be bribed, he just wanted some head no guy can resist that

YDI for her having to bribe you before you'd behave good around her parents.

fooska 5

I feel sorry for you it is not okay to hit a guy in the nuts once a girl kicked my brother in the nuts when he was ten he started bleeding and had to put vaseline on it every 2 hour

her fault, not yours. she shouldve kept it in her mouth

If she would just swallow, it could all have been avoided.