The reviews are in

By Anonymous - 30/08/2011 20:56 - United States

Today, I went to a movie and a dinner with a girl. During dinner, she excused herself to go to the bathroom, so I checked my social media feeds while waiting for her to return. She'd posted on her Twitter "Worst. Ever." I thought it was going well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 652
You deserved it 3 032

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Either young ladies' standards are getting too high, or they themselves are becoming too shallow.


Awe, ouch. Some people are jerks, they don't care about other peoples feelings.

This is to say that the guy isn't as boring as watching paint dry... And who takes a girl to a movie for one of the first few dates?!? You sit there in silence yes what a awesome way to get to know each other!!

mdizzl 6

maybe she meant the food? or the restaurant? or the movie? let's keep our fingers crossed for one of those

Mokiikom_fml 8

That's your cue to ditch the bitch right there, possibly with a nasty little note. Let's see who got pwned by social media then...

sxe_beast 11

But what if she was talking about the food or the movie? I And maybe she didn't know that he was e-stalking her so she was venting via the interwebs? Maybe she didn't want to be rude to him by telling him his choice of restaurant / movie completely sucked. She could totally like him, just not what they're doing? IDK.

sxe_beast 11

I would recommend bringing it up and try to be honest. Lashing out and not thinking everything through is not the best option. But its probably over and done with already...

leadsails320 0

Looks like you're not getting any tonight.

That's when you post "What a bitch" or "My date smells like a putrid French prostitute's hairy armpit. #getmeoutofhere".

buttercupp2137 0

awee); tough luck, you can't win them all.

poor guy :( i hope you left her with the check!

meeemo_ 0

Leave without paying the tab while she's in the restroom.