The reviews are in

By Anonymous - 30/08/2011 20:56 - United States

Today, I went to a movie and a dinner with a girl. During dinner, she excused herself to go to the bathroom, so I checked my social media feeds while waiting for her to return. She'd posted on her Twitter "Worst. Ever." I thought it was going well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 652
You deserved it 3 032

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Either young ladies' standards are getting too high, or they themselves are becoming too shallow.


Why wouldn't you bring up the situation by asking her what it meant? Step up :P

Sonic_boomerang 5

It's because you didn't take her to taco bell

perdix 29

I hope you have the balls to make her pick up her part of the check. On the bright side, she'll never forget about you! I remember my worst date ever pretty vividly, but all the other bad to mediocre ones have been forgotten. Even better, since she's judged the date to be the worst ever, the pressure is off and you can relax. Maybe you are trying too hard, and if you cool it, you could still get laid.

I would have tweeted - "This is the last time I take a fat chick on a pity date" ordered something really expensive, excused yourself when she got back and split!

KaskStunter 4

Just confront her about it. Think of it as she just put you through a test and now it's your turn to give her a test.

xlibra259x 0

Aw that stinks.. sorry about that :(

You should have left while she was gone with the bill and made her take a cab home on top of that n F'd her life

YDI for checking any social media while on a date. And, she posted something during a date? No I changed my mind YD-each other.

so post "you are right about that" as a reply,then bail. preferably leaving her stuck with the tab.